Master Your Tax Automation with SimpliFlow

Simplify tax management, maximize resource potential, and achieve peace of mind with SimpliFlow as your platform for tax automation. Your journey to a stress-free tax season begins here.

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How Simpliflow Works

Simpliflow addresses the common struggle of managing tax workpapers and preparation by offering two key functions. First, it simplifies the transfer of data from tax workpapers to tax preparation software using an intuitive web-based process. With just a few clicks, you can seamlessly upload your prior year's return and current work documents, allowing the software to streamline your data integration.

Step 1

Upload Your Workpapers

Experience the liberty to upload files in a wide range of formats, SimpliFlow will handle the rest.

Step 2

Download Your Comprehensive Client Ready Open Item List

SimpliFlow's Tax Automation Software employs advanced AI algorithms to meticulously analyze your prior year's return and the documents you've provided. The result? A comprehensive PDF report highlighting any missing items such as W2, 1099-Int, 1099, 1098, and more.

Step 3

Expertly Integrates Data Into The Tax Software

With just a few clicks, you can seamlessly upload your prior year's return and current work documents, allowing the software to streamline your data integration.

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Introducing Simpliflow

Tax Efficiency Simplified

Streamline your tax management with our user-friendly platform, making tax compliance and savings a breeze.


Time Savings

On average, a tax preparer saves 21 hours per week.

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Security is a Priority

We take your privacy seriously. We are SOC 2 compliant and we leverage AES-256 encryption to keep your data secure.

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Modern Solutions

Reduce bottlenecks and stress from your firm while acquiring more business without increasing overhead.

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Scaled Pricing (SaaS)

Whether it’s for 50 personal returns or 2,000 business returns, our pricing is adjusted depending on your unique case.

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Is investing in 1040 technology financially justifiable? While you've likely encountered numerous advantages of digital transformation, you might be wondering about the tangible returns on your investment. To get a clear picture of the financial impact, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our SimpliFlow product experts who can use our ROI calculator to project the potential benefits.

Free ROI Consultation

Plug in to the world’s only solution for direct data integration for your Business and Personal Tax Returns

We simplify overnighting tax services onto your existing suite of services through our APIs. Our partners leverage our workforce to add tax services to their existing catalog of utilities. Allow your staff to make more meaningful connections with your clients by reducing the strain placed on your business.

What our Clients say

“Simpliflow has truly transformed the way we manage taxes. The amount of time and effort we save is astounding. With its user-friendly interface, our team can easily navigate through complex tax data, making compliance a breeze. It has also enabled us to channel our resources into more strategic aspects of our business. Simpliflow is a game-changer, and we can't imagine going back to our old processes.”

Ed M.

Deloitte Tax Practitioner

“Simpliflow is nothing short of incredible. It has revolutionized our tax management, allowing us to cut out slow, manual processes. The time we save is invaluable, giving us more room to focus on high-priority tasks. The software's quick implementation and the short learning curve mean we've realized a substantial ROI in a very short time. We highly recommend Simpliflow to anyone looking to streamline their tax workflow.”

Chong Y.

Ernst & Young Executive Director

"Simpliflow made tax season an absolute breeze. The platform's efficiency and accuracy in handling tax-related tasks have been a game-changer for our firm. It has increased our productivity, reduced errors, and saved us a significant amount of time. We can't imagine managing taxes without Simpliflow."

Laura M.

RSM Managing Director

"Simpliflow has greatly improved the efficiency of our team. With it, we can streamline tax processes, allowing our team to focus on what really matters - critical research topics, not data entry. The increased capacity of our team is astounding, and we've never been more efficient. Simpliflow is a must-have for any business aiming to enhance productivity."

Saad W.

Outlook Accounting & Taxes Tax Analyst

"The return on investment we've experienced with Simpliflow has been almost immediate. Its implementation was quick and hassle-free, and the time we save on nonproductive professional tasks is incredible. The hours gained from using Simpliflow have allowed us to invest our efforts into more profitable areas of our business. This software is a game-changer, and we're thankful for the impact it has had on our organization."

John D.

Apple International Tax Manager

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Frequently Asked Question

Ensuring the security and privacy of documents and data is of utmost importance to our business. We maintain industry-leading safeguards to provide the highest level of assurance regarding data security.

Our software operates on servers hosted in an extremely secure data center, subject to round-the-clock monitoring. All communication between your computers and our servers is fortified with the same encryption technology utilized in electronic filing and electronic banking. This communication is encrypted and authenticated using robust protocols (TLS 1.2), a secure key exchange (ECDHE_RSA with P-256), and a strong cipher (AES_128_GCM). We employ a DigiCert SSL Certificate and server-gated cryptography to ensure the robust encryption of all data exchanged with our application services.

We want to emphasize that we will never contact or solicit your clients for any reason, nor will we ever sell or rent any information from their source documents. All your data is securely stored within the United States and is inaccessible to any entity or computer outside of the country.

As outlined in our Privacy Statement, client records may only be accessed for specific purposes, including resolving issues, addressing support concerns, ensuring quality, investigating suspected violations of SimpliFlow's User Agreement, or as mandated by law. The employees authorized to access this data have undergone extensive background checks, work within secure areas in our U.S. offices (accessible only via secure passkeys), adhere to strict confidentiality agreements, and are fully insured.

SimpliFlow products also adhere to IRC Section 7216 compliance. Tax professionals using SimpliFlow products for return preparation are not required to obtain written consent from clients to use or disclose tax data. This is because SimpliFlow services are classified as tax preparer-to-tax preparer disclosures, as described in Treasury Regulations Section 301.7216-2(d)(1). This is made possible by the fact that all SimpliFlow service providers are situated within the United States, and SimpliFlow Populate offers auxiliary services in connection with tax return preparation that do not involve substantive determinations or advice affecting taxpayers' reported tax liability.

We trust that this information instills confidence in our commitment to managing sensitive data with the utmost care and integrity.

Yes. Tax Professionals using SimpliFlow products in the preparation of a return are not required to have clients sign a written consent to use or disclose tax data. The use of the SimpliFlow products is permitted as a tax preparer to tax preparer disclosure described in Treasury Regulations Section 301.7216-2(d)(1) since all of SimpliFlow service providers are located in the United States and SimpliFlow is an auxiliary service in connection with the preparation of tax returns that does not provide substantive determinations or advice affecting the tax liability reported by taxpayers.

To determine if you've been logged out, please refresh the page. For security reasons, an automatic logout occurs following a period of inactivity. To resolve this, simply log in again.

Verify whether the PDF file size exceeds 150MB. If it does, resolve the issue by splitting the PDF into two separate files or PDFs.

If the file name contains special characters such as an apostrophe, dollar sign, or others, we kindly request that you rename the file without these special characters and then retry the action. For example, "O'Reilly.pdf" should be renamed to "OReilly.pdf."

Your SaaS agreement is effective for the current tax year. You will receive renewal communications between September 1st – 30th of every year to extend your agreement

Yes, you can upload Word, Excel, and PDF files into SecureFilePro or on the Website. Additionally, when your clients receive paper documents they can use the SimpliFlow app for iPhone and Android to photo-scan and upload the documents as PDF (Application will be released in summer of 2024).

SimpliFlow technology enhances your profit margin through two key mechanisms: time savings and leverage. Through the automation of manual and repetitive tasks, your firm reduces the number of billable hours required for each return. Additionally, the concept of leverage involves reallocating labor resources in a more cost-effective manner, such as shifting responsibilities from reviewers to preparers. Our solutions are specifically crafted to streamline processes, save time, and maximize leverage, ultimately contributing to your increased profitability.

During your ROI consultation, a SimpliFlow expert will:

  • Generate custom projections in our ROI calculator
  • Discuss SimpliFlow pricing options
  • Demonstrate exactly how SimpliFlow products save you time, increase leverage, and ultimately increase profit margins
  • Answer any and all questions you have about SimpliFlow’s solutions, implementation process, or customer resources
  • After you submit the form, someone will be in touch within 1 business day (usually 1 business hour) to schedule your consultation.

You will receive an email from SimpliFlow Customer Support with a calendar link that you can use to schedule your installation. Please save this email and reply to it if you experience any issues after installation. SimpliFlow’s customer support software will automatically CC your Account Executive on this thread.

You will receive an email that includes next steps and detailed onboarding instructions, including the Onboarding Training Timeline and a SimpliFlow Advocate Questionnaire.

Please complete the Questionnaire at your earliest convenience and return it in the original Excel format. Along with your Questionnaire, please provide your availability for the Kickoff Meeting. The Client Success Project Coordinator will schedule the Kickoff Meeting with your Advocate Team.

Unlimited e-mail, live chat, telephone, and GoToMeeting support is provided free of charge to all current customers. Customers can contact our support department in the SimpliFlow Help Center

Yes, you are always in control. Your firm maintains the original copies of your clients’ records plus you can access the electronic files anywhere you have an internet connection to see the status of each return. Once the return is complete, it is securely transmitted to you in a file format compatible with your tax software. If necessary, the return can easily be modified online by your staff or your SimpliFlow team.

Client tax information is electronically shared on secure SimpliFlow servers utilizing the latest data encryption technology. SimpliFlow servers are located in redundant SSAE 16 certified Internet Data Centers located in the continental US. All information is maintained online and a log entry is automatically generated each time it is accessed. In addition, SimpliFlow accountants are bound by comprehensive non-disclosure agreements that require complete confidentiality. For additional information please visit the Security page.

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